Patient profiles can be redundant to re-create in your PMS. We're working on a real-time integration to improve the data flow from MedMe to PioneerRx, but in the meantime we can take advantage of existing functionalities to reduce the need to create new patient profiles on both systems.
Importing patients in bulk via CSV
Step 1 - Generated the CSV File for Export
MedMe will automatically send you a CSV file with the fields formatted for upload.
See Template Here: Patient Export Template.csv
Coming soon - this will be available on the reports tab to automatically download when needed
Step 2 - Importing the CSV file into Pioneer Rx
Select "Import - F2" button, choose the CSV file provided and then select "Open"
Note: If a file has already been imported users can select "Open - ALT+F2" which will open up a separate file
Once a CSV file is imported, the data will be populated in the work area. Any area outlined in red signifies that there is either missing or invalid data that will need review. Patient records will still be able to be saved with these errors, but there is a chance that the import could fail. In the event of a failed import, the user will be alerted.
Step 3 - Adding/Matching Patients After Import
After importing, select "Match Patient - F3" which will produce either of the two statuses:
Error: If a required field is missing, the CSV file will need to be edited to include the missing information, then import it again.
Result: Displays Created or Matched
Created: The record has been added and is now in the software
Matched: The patient record already exists.
Imported patients can have a full match or a partial match.
A full match consists of the following scenarios:
FirstName, LastName, Date of Birth, Phone Number
FirstName, LastName, Date of Birth, Address (#), City, State, Zip
A partial match consists of the following similarity scenarios:
Last Name, Date of Birth, Phone Number
Last Name, Date of Birth, Address (#), City, State, Zip
In the event that an imported patient record is similar to a patient record that already exists, the Match External Patient box will appear. From here, it will show the imported data from the CSV file on the left side and the existing patient on the right side. If the patient is a match, select Save & Continue to match the record.
Step 4 - Completing/Polishing the Imported Patient Profile
Once the patient has been added to the software, any information that was in the import that could not be set in their appropriate fields will appear in the Critical Comments area of the Patient Profile. The list of fields that will show in the Critical Comments area are:
Patient Allergies
Health Conditions
Payer Info 1, Payer Info 2
County of Residence
Phone Type