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I&I Module - Vaccine Toggle

How to setup and use the vaccine toggle functionality within the I&I module

Raven Smith avatar
Written by Raven Smith
Updated over a week ago

We've made the Immunization & Injection module more flexible by giving control of what vaccinations/injections your pharmacy offers back to you!

Instead of reaching out to our customer success team when you want to add or remove a specific vaccine or injection, your team can make the change instantly.

This article will help you understand how to set vaccine/injection availability, and how this is reflected on the patient-side and pharmacist-side respectively.

Quick Links:

Here's how to set vaccine availability

  1. Select the ellipses (three dots) icon beside your Account Name

  2. Select Settings

  3. Click Appointment Types on the settings page

  4. Select the Immunization/Injection appointment type

  5. Scroll down to Available Injections and click Edit Injection List

  6. Select the injections you wish to offer

  7. Click Update Injection List to save changes

Please Note: This list isn't province-specific, and not all listed injections may be authorized for administration by all pharmacists.

Patient Side Changes

When public intake is enabled for this appointment type, patients can only pick from the vaccines you've made available.

Pharmacist Side Notes

When a pharmacist books an I&I appointment, there are no restrictions on the vaccine list. The toggle only limits the patient-facing options.

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